The super-large touch screen, high saturation and super-clarity of Rongda Colour Crystal Conference Integrative Machine make the information displayed by the conference participants clearly visible. Everyone will encounter some problems in meetings. A simple problem or product is difficult to explain for half a day. At this time, the audio playback function of the conference machine can easily solve this difficulty.
Rongda Colour Crystal Conference Integrative Machine can use Android Win dual system. In the conference, you can use the network function to query, browse information at will, or use the network video function to contact the person in charge of things, so as to achieve contact and solve problems on the spot.
Rongda Colour Crystal Conference Integrative Machine can be equipped with 2, 4, 8, 10 point infrared touch screen. Touch sensitive can freely draw, annotate, gesture erase, zoom in and out, document modification.
Waste of paper! The waste of paper used in meetings has always been obvious to all. The large consumption of paper not only causes the destruction of forests, but also seriously pollutes rivers and lakes due to the production of pulp sewage. We all live in the global village together. This paper waste and forest destruction are phenomena that we all don't want to see. Rong Dacaijing has been advocating green life. We can start from ourselves, and let Rongda Colour Crystal Conference be a whole machine to encourage you.